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Entelki - SWAn

SWAn Test

Achieve your Career Goalpost
Quickly and Effectively

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Entelki - SWAn

SWAn Test

Large number of career aspirants, appearing for competitive examinations such as State Public Services, Central Public Services, MBA, Engineering, etc. faces the challenge of ‘multiple attempts’ failure due to some of the following reasons:

  • Measure of Suitability to the dream / chosen Career: The individual not having a complete insight into his current strengths and weaknesses. This challenge, in majority of the cases, ends up in the candidate taking up ‘multiple attempts’ and wasting precious time / years of his life.
  • Guidance for overcoming the Weaknesses: Even after knowing and understanding one’s strengths and weaknesses, the lack of scientific and authentic guidance for overcoming the weaknesses, may again result into failures and hence multiple attempts.
  • Study Methodology: In many cases, it is observed that the study methodology adopted by the candidates is incorrect, resulting wastage of time and reading useless material. Proper guidance regarding this very important factor is a definite success factor.

Entelki’s Strength – Weakness Analysis, SWAn Test, separate one for each career, enables the candidates overcome the above challenges, and makes sure that the candidate’s chances of succeeding in the career of his choice increases multi-fold.

Contact us for more details and we will help choose and finalize a plan for you that is most appropriate for your needs and expectations.


Test Coverage

SW analysis of Competencies and Skills required specifically for the chosen career

Test Method

On-line Multiple Choice Questions with weighted score methodology

Analysis Report

Graphical Analysis Report available on-line with ‘Print’, and ‘Save’ options

Action Plan

Recommended Plan of Action provided to convert weaknesses into strengths

Study Method

Career Specific methodology suggested for increasing the effectiveness and success rate